Our Services

We at Wyndham Ultrasound are committed to provide you a high quality personalised, professional & caring service. We put our patient’s comfort above all.
Abdominal Ultrasounds
These types of ultrasounds are a great way to see your internal organs which include your bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and your liver. This is able to help your doctor to diagnose certain conditions and even assess any damage that has been done by an illness. Ultrasounds are used because they can provide a real time image. However, it can also be used for:
- Showing congenital malformations such as the down syndrome ultrasound.
- Showing buildup of plaque inside vessels
- Showing blockages to blood flow like blood clots
- Showing major blood vessels
- Helping to identify the cause of abdominal organ enlargement
- Helping a doctor to find the source of abdominal pains like kidney stones or gallbladder stones
- Guiding procedures like a needle biopsy which uses needles to grab sample cells from organs to be tested in a lab.
General Ultrasound
- Abdoman Ultrasound
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Renal Ultrasound
- Thyroid Ultrasound
- Scrotal Ultrasound
- Breast Ultrasound
Obstetric Ultrasound
An Obstetric ultrasound is a specialised form of sound waves that will let you see and determine the condition of a pregnant woman as well as the fetus and embryo. An Obstetric ultrasound needs to be performed only when it is needed. Some indications of these do include:
- To find multiple pregnancies
- Evaluate the position of the placenta
- Evaluate the fetus position
- Diagnose congenital abnormalities
- Estimate the age of the pregnancy
- Establish the presence of a living embryo/fetus
Your doctor will ask you to lie on your side or back. You will be asked to show your stomach. The Obstetric ultrasound can take up to 30 minutes and may require a few returns on other days- just incase the baby is no behaving and in the wrong position.
This whole process is painless and there could be a bit of discomfort from pressure as the sonographer moves the transducer around, especially if you have to have a full bladder. There may be times when it is needed for a firmer press in order to get close to the fetus or embryo to get a better visualization of the structure. This is only temporary, and you may not like the feeling of the gel that is applied to your stomach. There is hardly any discomfort with a transvaginal scan.
It should be noted that you should not use any recording devices like a camera or cell phone to take photos or videos in the exam room.
Additionally, the ultrasound rooms are small and there may be a limit on how many people are there for the scan (2 adults). There could be a lot of things that the sonographer needs to look at during the ultrasound so they may limit the amount of talking that is being done, especially if this is a 12 week ultrasound or a 20 week ultrasound.
Doppler Ultrasound
- Cartoid
- Renal Artery
- Leg Arteris
Musculoskeletal Utrasound
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Knee
- Hip
- Wrist
- Ankle
4D Ultrasound
3D / 4D ultrasound is an ultrasound technique used during pregnancy, to produce lifelike images of the fetus. We offer this to those who are interested for entertainment purposes from 26 weeks of pregnancy.and onwards.
The standard obstetric diagnostic scans are 2-dimensional (2D) scans. All women are advised to have a scan at 12 and 20 weeks of pregnancy (see pregnancy brochure). An ultrasound-trained Obstetrician performs these scans at WUMe.
In 3D/4D fetal ultrasound scanning, the sound waves reflected from the fetus are processed by a sophisticated computer program which results in recognisable surface-rendered images of the fetus. 4D scanning is 3D scanning in real-time, like a movie. A registered sonographer will perform this scan.
We use ultrasound at energy levels below the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine limits for obstetrical ultrasound. These standards apply to both 2D and 3D/4D ultrasound examinations in this practice. While there is no hard evidence for harmful effects of 3D/4D ultrasound, its use in non-medical situations should be undertaken with the understanding that some effect may exist. In view of this, the scan time for your 3D/4D scan will be kept to a minimum and be no more than 15 minutes.
The criteria to be eligible for a 3D /4D scan in our practice are that you :
- Are currently receiving obstetric care from an Obstetrician or hospital antenatal clinic.
- Have previously obtained a diagnostic ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks
- Acknowledge that no medical advice or assistance in relation to your pregnancy will be provided.
- That you sign a disclaimer.
Every attempt will be made to achieve high quality images but there may be times when it is not possible to achieve good views of the face.
Hope you enjoy the 3D ultrasound experience of your fetus.
Gender Scan
- 16 weeks onwards
Transabdominal Ultrasound
If you are getting a transabdominal ultrasound you will need to make sure that your bladder is full. You will then lay back and a gel will be added to your skin. The transducer will then be rubbed all over the area and it will release sound waves. This is a fairly simple ultrasound.
Pelvic Ultrasound
This is the most common forms of ultrasounds, as it is an imaging test that can monitor the health of a fetus or embryo during pregnancy. Besides being used in Obstetrics, these types of ultrasounds can even be used to examine the prostate glands, bladder, ovaries, and uterus. It can also be used for testicular ultrasounds. It is very popular to use to diagnose any issues with the male genitals through the use of scrotal ultrasound.
You can often get an ultrasound in Werribee clinics. They can diagnose the cause of conditions or the initial conditions like:
- Bladder stones
- Kidney stones
- Uterine cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Uterine fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Menstrual issues
- Abnormal bleeding
- Pelvic pain.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
A transvaginal ultrasound will have a woman to empty her bladder. You will lie on your back with your feet in stirrups. The transducer will then be inserted, and it is smaller than the average speculum that gets used during OB exams. A protective plastic sleeve as well as gel is added to the transducer before it will be inserted vaginally.
Only the first 3 inches of the transducer will be inserted. Your doctor might move it around to get pictures from various angles. A common reason for these types of ultrasounds is to look for the cause of pelvic pain. Many people often state that the exam is much more comfortable than your annual visit to the OBGYN.
Abdominal Aorta & Carotid Ultrasound
Using ultrasound to look at the carotid artery is a way to quickly look for blockages in the blood flow in your arteries that lead to the brain which could cause a mini-stroke or a stroke. Using ultrasound on the abdominal aorta is used to evaluate if there is an aneurysm which causes the aorta to enlarge.
You will be placed on a table that will move and tilt. Clear gel will then be applied to where you are being examined. The gel allows the transducer to move over the skin without there being a chance of air pockets, as the sound waves can’t penetrate air. The sonographer will press the transducer against your skin firmly and the rub it along the areas of interest, and review and then capture images as needed.
Liver Ultrasound
A liver ultrasound will show the function, size and shape of the liver and it can find tumors.
Renal Ultrasound
Renal ultrasounds will show the function, size and shape of the kidneys and it can find tumors, cysts, and kidney stones
Thyroid Ultrasound
This will check for overactive and underactive thyroids, cysts and nodules.
Vascular Ultrasound
This will check the blood flow through your veins and arteries.
Vascular Ultrasound
This will check the blood flow through your veins and arteries.
Preparing for an ultrasound
You will need to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes. Other preparation will depend on what type of ultrasound you are having
These will not need any preparation:
- Vascular ultrasound
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Scrotal ultrasound
- Breast ultrasound
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Ankle ultrasound
- Shoulder ultrasound
You will need to prepare for these tests:
- Nothing to eat for 6 hours before the ultrasound
- May only use water to take medications and to drink
- Nothing to eat 6 hours before ultrasound
- May take medications
Pelvis Non- Obstetric
- May take medications
- Must have a full bladder
- May take medications
- Must have a full bladder
Transvaginal Pelvis
- May take medications
- Must have full bladder
Pelvis Obstetric
- Must drink 4 large glasses of water 1 hour before ultrasound
- May take medications
- Must have a full bladder
Renal Artery with Doppler for Stenosis
- No eating or drinking for 8 hours before ultrasound
- Night before: Clear liquids only and no dairy products
Drinking Instructions:
- 3 large glasses of water 45 minutes before ultrasound
- 4 large glasses of water 60 minutes before ultrasound

We at Wyndham Ultrasound are committed to provide you a high quality personalised, professional & caring service. We put our patient's comfort above all.